The Neverending Story

16 May 2009 at 3:20 pm (Entertainment, Life, Movies, Throwbacks) (, , , , , , , , )

I will never tire of this movie. The Neverending Story, in so many ways almost DEFINES my childhood. I saw this movie for the first time when I was around 7 years old and fell in love with the magic of this story. To this day I still see remnants of the message of the movie everywhere. I see it most in my 5 yr old daughter with whom I watched the movie this afternoon. Her imagination and wishes and dreams are so innocent and vibrant and I LOVE it. Seeing her face light up at certain parts of the movie remind me of when I used to watch as a child. I remember crying (as she did today) when Artax “died”. I remember having the cutest puppy love crush on Atreyu and wanting to be llike Bastien and have a chance to ride Falcor. I remember once the movie was over closing my eyes tight and wishing and wishing to be whisked away to Fantasia. LOL. It all seems silly to me now as a grown woman but the child in me loves how easy life was then. How a child had no cares in the world other than not having a luck dragon show up outside her window. I’m so glad it came on this morning as my daughter turned to look at me and declared: “I just LOVE this movie, mommy. It was great!”

On a funny note: doesn’t Falcor remind you of Spencer Pratt of The Hills fame? 😉

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